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Qualities of a Board Member

Back in 2012, The NonProfit Times published an article on the 7 Important Qualities of Board Members, as follows:

Integrity: Demonstrating a zero tolerance for unethical behavior, both for themselves and their colleagues.

Independence: Having no unique business, financial or personal relationships — or hoped-for-relationships — that create even the perception of a conflict of interest.

Mature Confidence: Speaking out and actively participating in board and committee deliberations.

Corporate Manners: Recognizing the difference between productively participating in discussions and counter-productively dominating deliberations through the volume or length of comments. Must be able to work with other members to create workable compromises.

A Sense of Context: Making relevant, informed comments focused on the specific aspect of the issue being considered. Must be able to stay on topic.

Courage: Willingness to do the right thing/make the right decision even if it is difficult or unpopular (i.e., no fence sitting).

Commitment: Understanding that being an effective board member requires the time, the heart, and the standards to make the enterprise successful.

Do you agree with these?  Are any missing?  

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at