In a recent infographic I published, based on survey results from the 2014 Pulse Report (our membership marketing & engagement study in Canada), we reported that 47.4% of respondents would increase budgets in membership engagement next year, if they had only one area that could be increased.
I think we know by now the concept of membership engagement; but association executives are struggling with how to engage members, and what they should track to determine if their efforts are successful.
Here are four blogs/articles that I have come across that offer tips, theories and suggestions that are well worth the read:
- Engaging Next Generations (featured on the CSAE Ottawa-Gatineau blog): the article reports on a lunch & learn session that was help for chapter members, and association executives in the Ottawa area. It featured a panel of three association executives, who discussed the changed that they have made, whether they worked or not; in an effort to engage the next generation of member.
- Weak Member Engagement? Look at Your Staff (featured on AssociationsNow): This article is a quick summary of another blog post, but the title caught my eye, as I was preparing for a presentation recently that spoke to engaged employees make engaged members.
- Engaging Members in an Era of Profound Change (featured on CSAE): written by an association executive, this post talks about social change and how it impacts associations, along with some research and recommendations.
- 10 Elements of a Winning Member Engagement Strategy (featured on Socious): this particular post talks about why member engagement is so important, and the 10 elements they believe create an effective strategy, from goals to problems to staffing.
Need more ideas? Keep an eye out for our member engagement posts, and mark your calendars - as we will be addressing these issues and more during our Engaging Associations Forum, taking place July 23-24, 2015!