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Interested in Blogging? Greenfield Services Wants to Hear From You!

Interested in Blogging? Greenfield Services Wants to Hear From You!
To vary our subject matter and offer our readers a different point of view, we occasionally feature guest blog posts by subject matter experts in areas such as effectively managing an associations’ membership demands, managing association staff, etc.  As a result, we have decided to officially open up the opportunity to collaborate with other guest bloggers.

If you are interested in writing about a current topic or problem in the industry and you believe your thoughts/opinions can help or inform association executives – we want to hear from you!

Here are a few examples of guest blogs we have hosted:

Posts must be at least 250 words, and not exceed 750 words.  In recognition for your contribution, we will give you space for a bio (up to 125 words), a link to one of your social media profiles, along with your website.  We are looking for posts from both suppliers to the association industry, and from association executives who want to share their experiences.

If you are interested in learning more, or want to discuss the opportunity to guest blog, please contact Meagan Rockett, Director, Client Solutions at 613-288-4517, or