Two key statistics jumped out at me. First, email messages sent in the morning reportedly have the highest open rate.
Morning | Mid-Day | Afternoon | Night |
41.49% | 34.19% | 32.62% | 30.58% |
In comparison, the report claims that emails sent in the afternoon have the highest click-through rates:
Morning | Mid-Day | Afternoon | Night |
15.32% | 19.15% | 20.41% | 18.89% |
But there are no “silver bullets” here. The only way to know for sure is to test and monitor the results closely. You could, for instance, split your test into two and send to list #1 in the morning, and the same e-mail to list #2 in the afternoon. Randomize your lists and do this with at least 3-4 emails of a similar nature (e.g. your regular monthly E-newsletter). Make sure you keep all other factors consistent. This is the only way you will know with as much certainty as possible what works for your members!
Other things to test may also include:
- Subject lines: should you use a directive subject line? (“Register by…”) or a provocative one (“Don’t be left out in the cold!”)?
- Day of the week: some reports say never send on a Monday or Friday. But what is true for your audience?
- Length of message: are you better off giving snippets of the information with a link for members to “read more”, or are you better off having the entire text in the e-mail?